Food and drinks




To find a unified phone solution for different markets

  • Call transfer
  • Call notes

Sales and support teams

About Coffee Mate

The Coffee Mateis an international omnichannel retailer for coffee and coffee machines, operating in Europe under locally created names in each market.

Their journey to success began in 2010, Lithuania, when two friends decided to pursue their dream in the coffee business. According to a "Business research center group" study, they are now one of the leading retailers in coffee and coffee machine industry in Baltic states.

Coffee Mate has over 12 sales channels spread across Europe, earlier when they weren’t catering to customers in different markets they used regular deskphones for their communication but as they expanded to different locations they felt the need for a unified sales and support tool to handle their various communication mediums such as — email, chat and phone.

Their main users are sales and customer care agents who use Freshdesk Contact Center on a daily basis to communicate with customers:

  • They receive sales inquiries, service calls and calls for product consultations.
  • Their sales team makes outgoing calls to double check orders or shipping information or to suggest products for upgradation to customers.

Why Freshdesk Contact Center was the perfect fit

Having never used a cloud phone system previously they researched and zeroed in on Freshdesk Contact Center and Zendesk. Laura, Country Manager for UK, Germany and Austria markets says various requirements from their support system were:

  • To have statistics and handle client inquiries on one single platform

  • The ability to differentiate between teams in different markets

  • A unified platform to manage emails, chat, calls and social media

咖啡伴侣与Fr找到了完美的解决方案eshworks ecosystem. Laura says Freshdesk Contact Center had everything they were looking for — “a very friendly interface, free-trial and optimal payment plans as well as a convenient reporting system.” She adds the integration is seamless between Freshdesk, Freshchat and Freshdesk Contact Center.

“Call recording is very helpful since we can sit down and analyse in depth our customer care and sales teams’ calls and make up new strategies and ways to improve our work, as well as find out what works in each market. Since our work is very dynamic and involves customers from different cultures, it’s a great way to differentiate our teams and have all those different local numbers under one account for easier navigation and analysis.”

Coffee mate Coffee mate

Country manager | UK | DE | AT

The Coffee Mate

Favorite Features

Freshdesk Contact Center’s call recording feature helps her analyze their calls and come up with ideas to improve both their customer support and sales. She is able to understand her agent performance and call volume with Freshdesk Contact Center’s reporting module and has enabled her to take data driven decisions.

Coffee Mate looks to provide effective customer care and Freshdesk Contact Center’s contextual capabilities — call transfer and notes — make this possible. Laura says this is an important feature for them as agents have the option to transfer calls with full context with the call notes feature — they can collect all the information and be confident that their team will have access to it as well.

Emphasis on voice communication

劳拉强调电话——她的重要性says even if an inquiry comes in through email or chat, they would have to call the customer inorder to confirm the order or solve their query. She says — “Freshdesk Contact Center helps us improve our customer care quality and speed up sales – we can call our customers and find out information quicker rather than waiting for their email – we can reach our sales targets quicker too”.

Since adopting Freshdesk Contact Center Coffee Mate has now started taking orders over the phone as well and utilize it as an alternate payment method too. Laura adds phone orders are convenient for both them and their customers.