

London, UK


To find a scalable and easily configurable phone system


Call Notes


Customer Service

About Look After My Bills

As the name suggests — they do just that, they look after your bills, especially energy bills.Look After My Bills成立了Hodson和亨利·德·Zoete,然后呢are driven by their eagerness to find a solution to the overpriced energy bills, stemming from their own frustrating experiences. They are anauto-switching servicethat is dedicated to making energy bills better for consumers. They aim to remove all the hassle from switching your energy in one simple way — they do it all.

Look After my bills won the《龙穴》历史上最好的交易in August 2018 and overnight they experienced rapid growth. In order to manage their fast-growing customer base they needed a better customer service software.

Their customer service agents are the main users of Freshcaller and currently, have a team of around 20 customer service agents who take inbound calls to answer customer queries and support their customer base.

How Look After My Bills found the right phone system with Freshcaller

Zehra Hosni, operations analyst from Look After My Bills shares that they initially looked into all the large business telephony systems such as 8x8, Vonage business, talkdesk etc. However, they were actually looking for a simple set up which allowed quick changes to their IVR and was easy to use by their customer support teams.

As they were previously using Freshdesk, they were already familiar with Freshcaller. Zehra Shares that it is only after talking to their account manager that she realized that Freshcaller checked all their boxes and was also well within their budget.

What was different about Freshcaller

She shares that “Freshcaller is operable over the cloud and allows for easy recall of saved phone calls, although this wasn’t something we were actively looking for when searching for a new phone system this has been massively helpful for us.” She also mentions that the prompt customer support they receive via chat and phone was quite different from companies they had worked with before.

Prior to Freshcaller they were unable to track how many calls individual customer service agents were answering and whether they were meeting their service level. After moving to Freshcaller they are able to set and measure their service level thanks to Freshcaller’s live service-level monitoring dashboard.

“Service level is important to us, as we believe that contact with customers should be as easy as possible to ensure a positive customer journey. Earlier we were unable to track our service levels, by adopting Freshcaller we have been able to set our SLA’s and monitor whether these are being met through the live display. Our main goal as a company is happy customers and having our call drop-off rate, response time and handling time decreased has been invaluable to us and our customers.”

Zehra Hosni

Operations Analyst

Call notes happens to be the favorite feature of their customer support agents as it allows them to quickly make notes and refer to it the next time the same customer calls, this way they are always prepared before their calls. Since Look After My Bills are also users of Freshdesk, they have a unified view of all their emails, chats and calls. This allows their agents to easily switch between the different tools from a single window.

How metrics can boost team performance

With Freshcaller reports their team leaders have easy access to individual agent metrics and are able to update on how well their team is doing. In fact they recently had an agent who had a fast response time share his learnings with others in a company meeting.

She also shares that at Look After My Bills they love competition as they feel it is a healthy way of keeping their team engaged and also provides a way to reward high performers — having metrics in hand greatly helps them in this regard.

Zehra says their main goal as a company is happy customers and Freshcaller has helped them achieve this goal by decreasing their abandoned calls, response time and handling time, ultimately helping them meet their service level agreements.