

Colorado, United States


To implement cloud PBX without engineering help and eliminate internal maintenance

  • IVR
  • Intuitive UI

Operational and Engineering Staff

一个bout Contour Networks Inc.

Contour Networks Inc., founded in 2006, is an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) designed to support the specific needs and stringent security requirements of the financial and retail industries. They are focused in IoT, and they add a bit of magic to what they do by offering reliability and simplicity — traits that are historically unavailable in a cellular capacity. So, if anyone cares for a phone system that meets their specs and exceeds their expectations, it’s Contour Networks Inc.!

Why choose Freshdesk Contact Center

Tom Stovicek is an operations manager forContour Networks Inc. He keeps their business operations running (in the US) by minimizing outages and maximizing functionality. Tom tells us a bit about the path that led to Freshdesk Contact Center.

“We originally went looking for a new phone system when our internally managed PBX stack started causing issues, and we had trouble getting it resolved,” says Tom. They started evaluating phone systems keeping four cardinal requirements in mind. The solution should be

  • Simple to manage
  • Cost-effective
  • Supportive of their business use case
  • With zero internal maintenance

If there was an issue or downtime, they did not want to incur labor or cost with their own engineering departments to fix the problem. At this time, they were using Freshdesk as their partner service desk and it wasn’t long until they stumbled upon the suitability of Freshdesk Contact Center for their organization.

“Freshdesk Contact Center is drastically different from managing our own PBX system. We like how well supported the whole platform is and how quickly issues have been resolved once they're identified.”

tom stovicek s photo tom stovicek s photo
Tom Stovicek

Operations Manager

Contour Networks Inc.

What’s more, it fulfils all of their fundamental requirements from a phone system, especially, by being a perfect fit for their business use case.

Who are the key users?

Freshdesk Contact Center is primarily used by the operational and engineering staff at Contour Networks Inc. They have 4 admins and up to 20 agents who will help out during bigger issues like network outages. Generally, the core team makes and receives calls to support their business partners. Since they are a telecommunications firm, these are usually very technical and focused on connectivity or data transport issues.

What are the most wanted PBX capabilities?

“We are often in direct contact with field deployed engineers from other companies so we prioritize call quality and session robustness,” says Tom. Their favorite feature is the easy-to-manage IVR system. Even their non-engineering resources can manage and troubleshoot the IVR in real-time, if and as necessary.

The UI is also so intuitive that they do not have to worry about sending a wrong command to the PBX or forgetting to press a button to commit changes.

What is Freshdesk Contact Center’s impact on business?

Tom tells us that Freshdesk Contact Center has had a huge impact on their organization. It has internally demonstrated that it is possible for their company to scale without troubling their engineering teams. They demonstrated this by running Freshdesk, then Freshdesk Contact Center out of the box and comparing call quality of the VoIP versus their PSTN-integrated PBX. Freshdesk Contact Center was 10x better than their own PBX in terms of eliminating downtime too. What’s more, it is cheaper and comes with zero maintenance!