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Infusionsoft CRM

Integrate Infusionsoft with Freshcaller to view relevant details about customers inside Freshcaller.
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By clicking on "Install", you acknowledge and agree that your access and use of this application will be governed by the developer's terms of service and privacy policy. Freshworks may share your contact and usage information with the developer.
Overview Reviews 如何安装?
This integration allows teams to easily access contacts, companies, opportunities, orders, and tags with information from Infusionsoft CRM within Freshcaller through this app. Once installed agents can perform the following tasks without leaving Freshcaller: * Access Infusionsoft CRM contacts, companies, opportunities, orders and tags * View opportunities associated with a contact * View tags associated with a contact
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1. After clicking on the Install button, you will be redirected to the Infusionsoft page where you will be needed to authenticate yourself with your Infusionsoft account 2. Once you are successfully authenticated, you will be redirected back to Freshcaller 3. In the Settings page, you will need to enter Infusionsoft subdomain and select Contact and Company fields which are shown in the app widget 4. Once that's done, click the Install button to finish the installation You are now good to go!

App Info

Published by spritle
about 19 hours ago
Version: 1.0Version History


CRM, Sales & Marketing

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